Friday, December 12, 2008

Anxiety Disorders Are Real

Anxiety Disorders Are Real

We’ve all felt anxious at one point or another; it’s a perfectly normal response to stress.  Feeling fear and anxiety actually helps us to cope and accurately respond to stressful situations.  However, people with anxiety disorders feel stress even if there is no trigger there to set it off.  This can cause problems with their mental health, personal relationships, jobs, and physical health.

Not all anxiety disorders are the same; there are actually several different classes.  Plus, just because someone has one disorder doesn’t mean they can’t have another, or at least have some overlapping symptoms.   Here’s a basic overview of the broad types of anxiety disorders.  

Generalized anxiety disorder - While its normal for people to worry occasionally about things when there are lots of stressors, people with generalized anxiety disorder tend to never stop worrying.  They may be worried about finances even if they’re not tight, or constantly expecting bad things to happen even when they don’t.  This constant stress can also lead to physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, trembling, twitching, hot flashes, sweating, and difficulty swallowing.  

Panic disorder - Unlike generalized anxiety disorder, people with panic disorder don’t have anxiety all the time.  Anxiety attacks hit suddenly and without warning or cause.  A anxiety or panic attack is characterized by tight, pounding chest, terror, difficulty breathings, dizziness, shaking, nausea, numbness is extremities, chills or hot flashes, and a fear of losing control.

Social anxiety disorder - This is also known as social phobia and is an extreme fear of social interaction.  People with this disorder are constantly worried about people judging them or about being embarrassed in front of people.  For some people, the disorder is so severe they don’t participate in normal socializing activities and some are even mute in certain situations.  

Post traumatic stress disorder - This diagnosis has become much more prevalent in the past few years.  Often, people become ridden with anxiety after a traumatic event and constantly worry about similar situations happening again.  For more severe cases, the person can be left unable to live their normal life again.  While stressful events trigger the symptoms, not everyone in a similar situation will develop PTSD. 

Obsessive compulsive disorder - This is an anxiety disorder that includes persistent unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions).  Someone may obsess over germs and then compulsively clean and sanitize.  Compulsive behavior often includes rituals that must be done before a person can go on with their daily lives and activities.  

The problem with some anxiety disorders is that many people don’t even realize they have them.  If they’ve had the problem their whole life, it’s something they simply see as a normal part of life.  Others will likely just see them as overprotective or simply a worry wart and just write it off.  While it may just seem like an inconvenience, it can build into a real problem.  

The good news is that these disorders are treatable.  There are many new medications and therapies that can help you live a normal, healthy life.  

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Raw Milk and Pregnancy

Here are the reasons why pregnant women should not ingest raw milk.

Raw milk that is not “clean” or does not go through the pasteurization process contains harmful bacteria such as listeria, salmonella, and E. coli. It is estimated that pregnant women are more likely to develop listeriosis than healthier adults. This can be extremely harmful not only to the pregnant woman but the fetus as well.

For example, there is a domino effect which can cause a myriad of problems. According to doctors, there are hormonal changes in a pregnant woman which can affect the course of treatment. While medication may cure the illness, it may affect the unborn fetus. How? It can cause miscarriages, illness, and even death. Even if the newborn survives, the immune system in an infant is not fully developed and their illness can become even more pronounced which would require appropriate medications to treat the newborn. This is the domino effect.

While it is true that raw milk that is clean and acquired from a farmer whose practices are beyond repute can be utilized, there is always the possibility that the bacteria can cause severe illness in a pregnant woman, which in turn can affect the fetus. Although it is also true that the “good” bacterium in raw milk plays an important role in preventing diseases among children, it can have an opposite effect in women who are pregnant.

In addition, any foods that are made from raw milk, such as cheeses, can also be harmful to pregnant women. Some of the symptoms associated with drinking or eating foods derived from raw milk can include vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and body aches.

There are a number of online blogs wherein women state they have been drinking raw milk during and after pregnancy. Some even swear by its benefits. They have not developed any illness from it and their babies are born healthy. In fact, some women state that raw milk is part of their family’s diet.

While the controversy surrounding the question of drinking raw milk during pregnancy will no doubt continue, since the data suggests that pregnant women have a higher chance of developing illness, one has to conclude that pregnant women should not drink raw milk.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ugotinfo Timely Tips: Sleep Walking Tips

Sleep Walking Tips

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Sleepwalking is often parodied on television and in the movies, but when it happens in our own homes it can be rather scary. Estimates vary, but some say that as many as 17% of children and 10% of adults sleepwalk. So if it is happening to you or someone you love, you're certainly not alone.

Someone who gets up in the middle of the night and walks around in a dazed manner is probably sleepwalking. But that's not all that happens. Some sleepwalkers don't walk at all, but they sit up in bed and talk. Others get up and eat, feed pets, or go for a stroll outside.

In and of itself, sleepwalking is not a dangerous condition. It usually requires no treatment unless it is happening regularly. The most important concern is keeping the sleepwalker safe. Here are some of the do's and don'ts of dealing with a sleepwalker.


* Keep the windows and doors shut and locked. If you find that the sleepwalker is trying to open them, consider putting child locks on them. Even if you have an adult sleepwalker, he will probably be incapable of figuring them out while asleep.

* Put up safety gates. This is especially important at staircases. You could also block off a small area so that the sleepwalker can't go outside of it. But if the sleepwalker is a child, it's a good idea to provide access to the bathroom and your bedroom.

* Let the sleepwalker sleep on the ground floor if possible. This will make it even less likely that he will fall down the stairs or go out a high window.

* Get rid of clutter on the floor. Sleepwalkers are prone to tripping and falling, so it is important to eliminate items that present a danger as much as possible.

* Keep sharp, breakable, and otherwise dangerous items in a safe place. Lock them up in a cabinet, or put them far out of reach.


* Never let a sleepwalker sleep on the top bunk. He could attempt to step out of bed and fall to the floor, possibly resulting in severe injuries.

* Don't wake someone who is sleepwalking. This could frighten him terribly. Instead, talk to him in a soothing voice and lead him back to bed.

* Don't let the sleepwalker drink a lot of liquids in the evening. In some cases, a full bladder can be a contributing factor in sleepwalking episodes. Caffeine should also be avoided in the evening, because it can cause sleep disturbances, which may exacerbate the problem.

Sleepwalking isn't cause for alarm as long as the sleepwalker doesn't harm himself or others. If he does, or if sleepwalking occurs more than a couple of times a month, it might be time to get a doctor involved. But in most cases, simply maintaining a safe environment is preferable to medical treatment.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Is There A Driving Difference Between Men And Women?

Men have historically made joking degrading remarks about women drivers.
For years there has been an ongoing debate: who are the better drivers, men or women? While everyone has their own opinions and experiences, statistics show that men are significantly more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident. But why is this, and does is really mean that women are better at driving?

There are several factors that affect this difference in accident and death rates between the two sexes:

More miles. One of the biggest factors in men having more accidents is simple - they drive more. More miles means men are more likely to have an accident, no matter how well they drive. In fact, the number of women that die in motor vehicle accidents has been steadily rising as more women obtain licenses and drive more miles. However, more men than women still die in accidents even if you account for total miles driven.

Reckless behavior. Men, especially younger men, are more likely to participate in reckless driving behavior, such as speeding and driving while intoxicated. This greatly increases the chances of an accident, especially a fatal one. This is usually attributed to the fact that young men feel that they are invincible, and that the statistics just don’t apply to them.

Seat belts. Women are more likely than men to wear their seatbelt. Even if they had the same number of accidents, this would still mean that more men die in accidents, given seat belts have been proven to save lives.

It’s not just the number of accidents that are different between men and women; they also have different types of accidents. Women are generally involved in minor accidents that take place in traffic, particularly at intersections. Men are more likely to be involved in one-car accidents that are not in traffic.

The explanation for this is that while women may make silly mistakes, like missing a red light, men are more likely to crash because they are speeding, driving recklessly, or driving under the influence. This type of accident is more likely to be fatal. While the number or total accidents is becoming more equal for men and women, there are still more male fatalities.

For older people, there are fewer differences between men and women drivers, but this doesn’t apply for younger men and women. While young women exhibit driving behavior similar to older people, young men participate in more reckless behavior. That is why insurance rates for adult males and females are often the same, while insurance rates for males under twenty-five are much higher than rates for females of the same age.

While gender can be a good indicator of driving habits, the person matters more. There are many teen boys who are perfectly safe drivers, and many older women who have frequent accidents and display very risky driving behavior.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Time Saving Tips for Moms

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Time is a precious commodity and those who learn to use theirs wisely will always be ahead of the game. First the bad news, the one thing you can’t do is add more hours to your day. No matter what, it’s just not going to happen. The good news, you can do certain things to make every precious minute count and in turn leave you with more free time.

Plan ahead – Don’t go anywhere without a list. Especially if you have the kids with you, you’re more likely to forget something without a list. So, don’t go on your errand run or shopping trip without a list. Also try to go shopping in the evenings when there are less people in the store. Why waste an hour fighting the crowds when you can be done in 30 minutes. Better yet, do your shopping online.

Meal Plan – Plan meals for the upcoming week and write your shopping list according to the meals. Make sure you stick the meal plan on the fridge so you can know what foods need to be thawed daily, etc. This will save you a lot of time and money.

Buy in Bulk – If you have the space plan ahead and buy things in bulk. You’ll save money and precious time by not having to go to the supermarket so often.

Pay Your Bills Electronically – If you can do this then you should. You will save a lot of time by not having to write out and mail checks. If you really can’t or choose not to do this, then set up a work station and keep your checkbook, stamp, envelopes, pens close at hand. You can also have a calendar with all your important dates and appointments written on there. Go a step further and have an inbox for mail and papers that need to be files. You’ll never waste time looking for these things again.

Don’t Let The Housework Pile Up – There’s nothing worst than spending your weekends cleaning. If you do a little bit each day you won’t ever need to spend a whole day cleaning. For example, do a load of laundry daily rather than letting it all pile up for Saturday, same thing with the vacuuming and other tasks. Once the weekend comes around the house should be fairly organized. You may just have to give the bathroom and kitchen a good clean, leaving you with plenty of time to enjoy your family.

Organize Your Life – Spend a little time organizing your house, the time spent doing this will save you a lot of time and hassle in return. Have a set place for everything. For example, have a place near the front door where you can hang your keys and purse. Don’t forget items like umbrellas, hats, gloves and scarves for those rainy or cold days. Set up storage for the kids toys or all magazines and books.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dad and Baby Bonding Time – An Important Ritual

A lot of first-time dads feel a little awkward when it comes to spending time with their new baby. Often times, dad seems to get pushed a little to the side while mom and baby take center stage. It’s hard for a dad to know what to do in this situation and sometimes it may seem he’s not too interested in the new baby but may just be experiencing a case of anxiety or not know what to do.

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You can help build up your partner’s confidence by slowly allowing him to do more things for the baby or simply let dad and baby spend quality uninterrupted time together. And unless your baby is in harm try not to interfere when your husband does something a little differently than you may. This will chip at his confidence as a new father.

Here are a few activities Daddy and Baby can share together:

Bath Time – Let your husband bathe the baby. This is a great time for dad and baby to bond and will give you some much needed rest too.

Feeding – If you’re nursing this will be a little difficult especially if you don’t want baby to have a bottle. If you don’t mind you can always try extracting one bottle a day and letting dad do the evening feed or as soon as baby is ready for solids let dad get involved then. If you’re bottle feeding take turns during the night time feeds.

Diaper Changing – You probably won’t mind if your partner helps with this one. It’s also a great way for dad to gain confidence in caring and looking after baby.

Sofa Time – Have you noticed dads love to lounge on their sofas with their kids. Give your husband some time to watch the game or listen to music while laying with baby on the sofa. This can make for great bonding time and will give you some free time for a quick nap or bath.

Going for Walks – Some new moms may feel a little nervous when their husbands go out alone with baby, but you should trust that your partner will care for your child just as well as you would. Taking baby for a walk will give him added confidence in his parenting skills. He’ll be out on his own and ultimately responsible for all of baby’s needs.

Just about anytime when your husband and baby can get some free time together will help build and establish the very important dad and baby bond. Try to encourage your partner and praise his parenting skills. Newborns don’t come with instruction manuals and it’s normal to make little mistakes here and there, so don’t let your partner become discouraged if he does make a mistake.

Above all, be happy that your husband and baby are spending quality time together. This will also give you a well deserved break.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Household Tips

These tips are being circulated on the internet, I received them in my email

Subject: Great Tips!


1. Reheat Pizza

Heat up leftover pizza in a nonstick skillet on top of the stove , set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy. No soggy micro pizza. I saw this on the cooking channel and it really works.

2. Easy Deviled Eggs

Put cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag. Seal , mash till they are all broken up. Add remainder of ingredients , reseal , keep mashing it up mixing thoroughly , cut the tip of the baggy , squeeze mixture into egg. Just throw bag away when done easy clean up

3. Expanding Frosting

When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store , whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double it in size. You get to frost more cake/cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and calories per serving.

4. Reheating refrigerated bread

To warm biscuits , pancakes , or muffins that were refrigerated , place them in a microwave with a cup of water. The increased moisture will keep the food moist and help it reheat faster.

5. Newspaper weeds away

Start putting in your plants, work the nutrients in your soil. Wet newspapers put layers around the plants overlapping as you go cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic they will not get through wet newspapers.

6. Broken Glass

Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up the small shards of glass you can't see easily.

7. No More Mosquitoes

Place a dryer sheet in your pocket. It will keep the mosquitoes away.

8. Squirrel Away!

To keep squirrels from eating your plants sprinkle your plants with cayenne pepper. The cayenne pepper doesn't hurt the plant and the squirrels won't come near it.

9. Flexible vacuum

To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It can be bent or flattened to get in narrow openings.

10. Reducing Static Cling

Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress. Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks and -- ta da! -- static is gone.

11. Measuring Cups

Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don't dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out.

12. Foggy Windshield?

Hate foggy windshields? Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove box of your car. When the windows fog, rub with the eraser! Works better than a cloth!

13. Reopening envelope

If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside , just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Viola! It unseals easily.

14. Conditioner

Use your hair conditioner to shave your legs. It's a lot cheaper than shaving cream and leaves your legs really smooth. It's also a great way to use up the conditioner you bought but didn't like when you tried it in your hair...

15. Goodbye Fruit Flies

To get rid of pesky fruit flies , take a small glass fill it 1/2' with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid , mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!

16. Get Rid of Ants

Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it , take it 'home', can't digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or so, especially if it rains , but it works &you don't have the worry about pets or small children being harmed!


The heating unit went out on my dryer! The gentleman that fixes things around the house for us told us that he wanted to show us something and he went over to the dryer and pulled out the lint filter. It was clean. (I always clean the lint from the filter after every load clothes.) He told us that he wanted to show us something; he took the filter over to the sink, ran hot water over it. The lint filter is made of a mesh material - I'm sure you know what your dryer's lint filter looks like. WELL...the hot water just sat on top of the mesh! It didn't go through it at all! He told us that dryer sheets cause a film over that mesh that's what burns out the heating unit. You can't SEE the film , but it's there. It's what is in the dryer sheets to make your clothes soft and static free - that nice fragrance too, you know how they can feel waxy when you take them out of the box, well this stuff builds up on your clothes and on your lint screen. This is also

what causes dryer units to catch fire &potentially burn your house down with it! He said the best way to keep your dryer working for a very long time (& to keep your electric bill lower) is to take that filter out &wash it with hot soapy water &an old toothbrush (or other brush) at least every six months. He said that makes the life of the dryer at least twice as long!

How about that!?! Learn something new everyday! I certainly didn't know dryer sheets would do that. So , I thought I'd share!

Note: I went to my dryer &tested my screen by running water on it. The water ran through a little bit but mostly collected all the water in the mesh screen. I washed it with warm soapy water &a nylon brush &I had it done in 30 seconds. Then when I rinsed it the water ran right Thru the screen! There wasn't any puddling at all! That repairman knew what he was talking about!

Please visit my site for work at home ideas

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Six Acne Treatment Solutions

Acne treatments have come a long way over the years. Once limited to precious few options that were sometimes ineffective, acne sufferers now have numerous treatment choices. Some treatments can be obtained from the family doctor, some require a dermatologist's expertise, and some can be purchased at your local discount store or herb shop. Here are six of the most popular acne treatments available:

1. Retin-A

Those who primarily suffer from persistent blackheads and whiteheads can often benefit from Retin-A. Retin-A is derived from Vitamin A and promotes the shedding of material that clogs pores and causes blackheads and whiteheads.

Retin-A often causes irritation and flaky skin, and it usually takes several weeks before patients can see a difference. Those using the drug are advised to use a moisturizer regularly and avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.

2. Antibiotics

Some doctors and dermatologists begin acne treatment with antibiotics. These are either taken orally or applied topically. The antibiotics work by decreasing the number of acne-causing bacteria in the skin and reducing the amount of fatty acids in the sebum.

The downside to antibiotics is that they can also kill the good bacteria that our bodies need to stay healthy. They are also associated with the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. These problems are somewhat less prevalent with topical antibiotics than with oral ones.

3. Photodynamic Therapy

One of the newer techniques in acne treatment is photodynamic therapy, also known as blue light therapy. Previously used to treat cancer and other diseases and ailments, it has also been found to be an effective alternative to systemic antibiotics in the treatment of moderate to severe acne.

Photodynamic therapy is conducted as a series of three to five treatments, with two to four weeks between treatments. It is not usually covered by insurance.

4. Tea Tree Oil

One of the most effective home remedies for acne is tea tree oil. It is used by diluting and dabbing it directly onto acne lesions. Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial properties, and that is thought to be the reason why it is so effective against acne.

5. Garlic

Garlic is another natural antibiotic, and it can be used in a variety of ways against acne. You can cleanse the skin with a solution of one part garlic juice to three parts garlic, rub raw garlic on lesions, or take it internally. The key is to use fresh garlic, because it loses its effectiveness a short time after it is skinned.

6. Vitamins

Vitamins are good for overall health, and they can be a powerful weapon in the fight against acne. B Vitamins are especially beneficial, because they fight acne in several different ways. Vitamins A, C, E, and the minerals chromium and zinc are also great.

There are vitamins available in health food stores specifically for acne sufferers, but the best way to get these vitamins is to include them in our diets.

There are more options for acne sufferers than ever before. Whether you prefer traditional treatments, non-drug therapy or natural remedies, acne can be treated effectively.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tips On 5 Smoothies A Day

Smoothies – A Great Way to get 5 a Day

We all know the importance of eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, with our busy lifestyles it's not always so easy. That's where smoothies come in. Delicious and nutritious smoothies can be a mom's secret weapon to ensuring your kids get enough fruit in their diets.

Here are some yummy smoothie combinations that are great for breakfast or any time of the day. Simply throw all ingredients in the blender and blend on high for 1 to 2 minutes.

Bananarama – 1 banana, 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, dash of milk

Mango Mania – 1 mango (cut and pitted), 1/4 cup orange juice

Peach Medley – 1 peach (cut and pitted), 1 banana, 1/4 cup orange juice

Berry Surprise – 1/2 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/4 cup raspberries, ¼ cup of milk

Strawberry Ice – 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup orange juice, I cup crushed ice

Honey melon – 1 cup chopped honey dew lemon pieces, 1/4 cup apple juice, tablespoon honey.

Banana Boost – 1 banana, 1/4 shredded wheat cereal (or other high fiber cereal), 1/4 cup milk. A great way to get extra fiber and vitamins into your child's diet.

And if it's hot outside why not try smoothie popsicles. They may a great alternative to sugary ice cream and are a delicious summer treat. For a creamier consistency try adding 1/4 cup yogurt of your choice to the recipes above and pour the smoothie mixture into popsicle molds. If you don't have popsicle molds you can use paper cups or even ice cube trays. Fill cups or tray and when half frozen and slushy like insert popsicle stick and leave until fully frozen.

You don't have to stick the recipes above, just about any of your favorite fruit combinations will taste delicious in a homemade smoothie. It's also a great way to let kids get involved in the kitchen. Let them choose their favorite fruits and let them help you peel and chop them up (according to their age of course). They can also pour liquid ingredients into measuring cups.

Smoothies are not only a great way to get your kids to eat more fruit. They're also easy to prepare and best of all delicious.