Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Time Saving Tips for Moms

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Time is a precious commodity and those who learn to use theirs wisely will always be ahead of the game. First the bad news, the one thing you can’t do is add more hours to your day. No matter what, it’s just not going to happen. The good news, you can do certain things to make every precious minute count and in turn leave you with more free time.

Plan ahead – Don’t go anywhere without a list. Especially if you have the kids with you, you’re more likely to forget something without a list. So, don’t go on your errand run or shopping trip without a list. Also try to go shopping in the evenings when there are less people in the store. Why waste an hour fighting the crowds when you can be done in 30 minutes. Better yet, do your shopping online.

Meal Plan – Plan meals for the upcoming week and write your shopping list according to the meals. Make sure you stick the meal plan on the fridge so you can know what foods need to be thawed daily, etc. This will save you a lot of time and money.

Buy in Bulk – If you have the space plan ahead and buy things in bulk. You’ll save money and precious time by not having to go to the supermarket so often.

Pay Your Bills Electronically – If you can do this then you should. You will save a lot of time by not having to write out and mail checks. If you really can’t or choose not to do this, then set up a work station and keep your checkbook, stamp, envelopes, pens close at hand. You can also have a calendar with all your important dates and appointments written on there. Go a step further and have an inbox for mail and papers that need to be files. You’ll never waste time looking for these things again.

Don’t Let The Housework Pile Up – There’s nothing worst than spending your weekends cleaning. If you do a little bit each day you won’t ever need to spend a whole day cleaning. For example, do a load of laundry daily rather than letting it all pile up for Saturday, same thing with the vacuuming and other tasks. Once the weekend comes around the house should be fairly organized. You may just have to give the bathroom and kitchen a good clean, leaving you with plenty of time to enjoy your family.

Organize Your Life – Spend a little time organizing your house, the time spent doing this will save you a lot of time and hassle in return. Have a set place for everything. For example, have a place near the front door where you can hang your keys and purse. Don’t forget items like umbrellas, hats, gloves and scarves for those rainy or cold days. Set up storage for the kids toys or all magazines and books.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dad and Baby Bonding Time – An Important Ritual

A lot of first-time dads feel a little awkward when it comes to spending time with their new baby. Often times, dad seems to get pushed a little to the side while mom and baby take center stage. It’s hard for a dad to know what to do in this situation and sometimes it may seem he’s not too interested in the new baby but may just be experiencing a case of anxiety or not know what to do.

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You can help build up your partner’s confidence by slowly allowing him to do more things for the baby or simply let dad and baby spend quality uninterrupted time together. And unless your baby is in harm try not to interfere when your husband does something a little differently than you may. This will chip at his confidence as a new father.

Here are a few activities Daddy and Baby can share together:

Bath Time – Let your husband bathe the baby. This is a great time for dad and baby to bond and will give you some much needed rest too.

Feeding – If you’re nursing this will be a little difficult especially if you don’t want baby to have a bottle. If you don’t mind you can always try extracting one bottle a day and letting dad do the evening feed or as soon as baby is ready for solids let dad get involved then. If you’re bottle feeding take turns during the night time feeds.

Diaper Changing – You probably won’t mind if your partner helps with this one. It’s also a great way for dad to gain confidence in caring and looking after baby.

Sofa Time – Have you noticed dads love to lounge on their sofas with their kids. Give your husband some time to watch the game or listen to music while laying with baby on the sofa. This can make for great bonding time and will give you some free time for a quick nap or bath.

Going for Walks – Some new moms may feel a little nervous when their husbands go out alone with baby, but you should trust that your partner will care for your child just as well as you would. Taking baby for a walk will give him added confidence in his parenting skills. He’ll be out on his own and ultimately responsible for all of baby’s needs.

Just about anytime when your husband and baby can get some free time together will help build and establish the very important dad and baby bond. Try to encourage your partner and praise his parenting skills. Newborns don’t come with instruction manuals and it’s normal to make little mistakes here and there, so don’t let your partner become discouraged if he does make a mistake.

Above all, be happy that your husband and baby are spending quality time together. This will also give you a well deserved break.

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